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Pastor Matthew Fanning
About Us


           We are Believers In Grace Fellowship, a nondenominational family Bible church located in Marion, Iowa. Our sole purpose is serving GOD in our greatest capacity and to see souls saved by faith in Jesus Christ. We have multiple service times and believe in active participation for all christians, for the Bible teaches the "priesthood of all believers." Therefore, the number and facets to the ministry are innumerable, but one and the selfsame Spirit divides our giftings severally as He wills.

We welcome everyone to come and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our meetings. Though our heart reaches out to the world, we are resolved to preach the Gospel truth, no matter how offensive it might be to the sinner. We firmly hold to the fact that the Church is not an invention of man, nor something you "have" or "go to", but is a building made without human hands. We dare not adjust it to make it more palatable to this world which is so hostile to Christ. Our church is an entity, not a program. As living stones, each member plays an integral and important role in the Body of Christ.

The Greek word koinonia (Κοινονια - koy-no-NEE-ah) is used to describe the community of love and self-sacrifice observed in the early church from the book of Acts. In English, it is translated as Fellowship and is our highest goal - to have fellowship with GOD and to pursue this same koinonia with one another.