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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > Daniel

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Price: $25.00
Availability: in stock

13 CDs


Jesus told us in the Olivet discourse, to “read and understand” the prophet Daniel, in order

to grasp the events leading to the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah. Pastor Bill

goes further into the understanding of Daniel than he has ever gone before — attempting to

clearly interpret the significance of the familiar stories (chapters 1–6) and the prophecies and

visions of Daniel (chapters 7-12).




1 • Two Primal Cities: Babylon & Jerusalem (Dan 1)

2 • The King of Babylon's Dream (Daniel 2)

3 • The Great Image (Daniel 3)

4 • I Lifted my Eyes to Heaven (Daniel 4)

5 • Babylon's Last Supper (Daniel 5)

6 • Lion's Den (Daniel 6)

7 • The Nations, the Saints & the Son of Man (Dan 7)

8 • The Vision of the Ram & the Goat (Daniel 8)

9 • The Confession of National Sin & Visitation (Dan 9)

10 • The Seventy Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9)

11 • The Princes of Persia & Greece (Daniel 10)

12 • The Vile Ruler (Daniel 11)

13 • The End of Days (Daniel 12)