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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > The Gospel of John ~ The Hour Has Come...The Upper Room
The Gospel of John ~ The Hour Has Come...The Upper Room

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Price: $20.00

8 CD's ~ John 12 - 16

In this series, John takes us behind closed doors for the Last Supper, the last discourse
of our master and the meaning of the washing of the disciples’ feet. The events of the
night of the last supper is a type of the events of the last days.

1 • Washing Feet (John 13)                                   5 • The Paraclete (John 14)
2 • The Last Hour (John 13)                                  6 • Abide in Me (John 15)
3 • The Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14)            7 • The Love of Jesus (John 15)
4 • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (John 14)           8 • You Are Not of the World (John 15)