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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > The Gospel of John ~ The Signs of the Son
The Gospel of John ~ The Signs of the Son

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Price: $25.00

15 CD's ~ John 1 - 11

The Gospel of John is the gospel of the new creation: “In the beginning was the Word...”.
The miracles that Jesus performed in John are hand picked signs—they really happened
but they point to greater realities also. Who is Jesus and what do the signs have to say
to us today? This set is a faith builder!

1.  Jesus the Logos of God (John 1)             

2.  The Testimony of John (John 1)                          

3.  Two Signs & Their Meaning (John 2)            

4.  Born From Above (John 3)                                            

5.  Seeking True Worshippers (John 4)                                                                                                             

6.  An Impotent Man Lifted Up (John5)

7.  The Bread of Life (John 6) 

8.  That Prophet? (John 6)

9.  Living Water (John 7)

10.  Teaching at the Feast (John 7 - 8)

11.  Sinner & Saviour (John 8)

12.  The Man Born Blind (John 9)

13.  The Good Shepherd (John 10)

14.  True Shepherd (John 10)

15.  The Resurrection & the Life (John 11)