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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > Genesis ~ Foundations for Faith
Genesis ~ Foundations for Faith

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Price: $20.00
Availability: in stock

 8 CD's

Foundations for Faith ~ Genesis Chapters 1 - 11

The first eleven chapters of Genesis are the bedrock foundation of our faith. One cannot
appreciate our salvation without seeing the gospel as it is revealed from the very
beginning. The gospel of Jesus Christ is revealed in creation, the fall, the fl ood—right
up to the tower of Babel. Also revealed is a twofold development of human culture and
history—the confl ict between the “seed of the serpent”, and the “seed of the woman”.
Not only the gospel is revealed but the end of time is also is very much revealed in the
fi rst eleven chapters of Genesis. As it is in the beginning so also shall it be in the end!

The fi rst eleven chapters of Genesis are the bedrock foundation of our faith. One cannot

appreciate our salvation without seeing the gospel as it is revealed from the very

beginning. The gospel of Jesus Christ is revealed in creation, the fall, the fl ood—right

up to the tower of Babel. Also revealed is a twofold development of human culture and

history—the confl ict between the “seed of the serpent”, and the “seed of the woman”.

Not only is the gospel is revealed but the end of time is also is very much revealed in the

fi rst eleven chapters of Genesis. As it is in the beginning so also shall it be in the end!

1 • In the Beginning God Made (Gen 1) 5 • The Days of Noah (Gen 5)

2 • The Trees in the Garden (Gen 2) 6 • The Flood (Gen 6,7,8)

3 • The Fall of Man (Gen 3) 7 • The New Creation and The New Fall (Gen 8)

4 • Two Ways (Gen 4) 8 • Worldwide Apostasy (Gen 10,11)