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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews

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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock

16 CDs

Second and third generation Christians were considering defecting back to Temple Judaism, shortly before 70 AD.  The Apostle writes to show why that would be a spiritually disastrous thing to do, and why the coming of Jesus changes and supersedes everything that went before, including angels, Moses and the whole temple, and the sacrificial priest system instituted by God.

  1. Jesus is God
  2. Why God Became a Man
  3. Jesus and Moses
  4. Entering Rest
  5. A Greater Priest
  6. The Third Warning
  7. Melchizedek
  8. New Covenant, Better Promises
  9. A Better Sanctuary
  10. Let Us Draw Near
  11. The Fourth Warning
  12. By Faith
  13. Those of Whom the World is not Worthy
  14. Whom the Lord loves He Chastens
  15. You Have Come to Mount Zion
  16. What to Do in the Shaking