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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > Mending the Nets
Mending the Nets

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Price: $20.00
Availability: in stock

8 CDs


This is an update of Mending the Nets, a commentary on 1 John. John had to deal with incipient

gnosticism in the church. It was a movement that sought to redefine the knowledge of God according

to mysticism, and away from the simple faith of Jesus. 1 John redefined what it means

to know God, and how to test those who claim to have received eternal life.


1 • Mending the Nets (themes from 1 John) 5 • Eternal Life Opposes Sin (1 Jn 3)

2 • God is Light: The Test of Righteousness (1 Jn 1) 6 • Assuring Our Hearts Before Him (1 Jn 3)

3 • Love as Proof of Eternal Life (1 Jn 2) 7 • The Test of Affinity to Truth (1 Jn 4)

4 • Abide in Him (1 Jn 2) 8 • True Faith Overcomes the World (1 Jn 5)