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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > The Book of Romans for New Believers
The Book of Romans for New Believers

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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock


18 CDs


There were many new converts and inquirers at Believers In Grace in the summer of 2014. Therefore

the Lord put it into the heart of Pastor Randles to give a basic understanding of the epistle to

the Romans, which is the clearest exposition of the heart of the gospel in scripture. This series is

an excellent faith builder.



1 • Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1)

2 • The Human Condition (Romans 1)

3 • Divine Judgment (Romans 2)

4 • The Indictment (Romans 3)

5 • Right Standing With God (Romans 3)

6 • Faith and Works (Romans 4)

7 • Imputed Righteousness (Romans 4)

8 • Assurance of Salvation (Romans 5)

9 • Adam and Christ (Romans 5)


10 • Dead to Sin and Alive to God (Romans 6)

11 • Putting Sin to Death (Romans 6)

12 • The Law Came..Sin Revived..I Died (Romans 7)

13 • Why There is Now No Condemnation (Romans 8)

14 • In the Spirit (Romans 8)

15 • Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8)

16 • Why We Groan (Romans 8)

17 • Deep Spirituality (Romans 8)

18 • All Things Work Together For Good (Romans 8)