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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > DVD - Sword on the Land
DVD - Sword on the Land

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Price: $25.00
Availability: in stock

4 DVDs

DVD #1 - How the Bible Anticipates Islam

The bible doesn’t predict Islam by name, but it certainly anticipates the religion which threatens the peace of the world, and is clung to by one out of every seven people in the world.  Pastor Bill explains how the Bible anticipates this massive world power. 

DVD #2 – Edom and the End Times

Edom is a nation which was a rival to Israel in the ancient days, and constantly at war with the chosen people.  Eventually it was subdued, and even ceased as an entity.  So why is Edom mentioned in the prophecies of the last days?  Who is Edom and what does the Bible say about it?

DVD #3 – What Joel and Hosea Saw

In this DVD Pastor Bill reveals that the Prophets Joel and Hosea each gave high definition pictures of the very days we live in.  By the Spirit of God they saw the rebirth of Israel, the UN and the current geo political situation we are currently in.

DVD #4 – The Woman Clothed With the Sun

John had a vision of a woman clothed with the sun, moon and stars.  In this exposition Pastor Bill compares scripture with scripture to show who this woman is and the stunning relevance of this vision